I blog because...

I blog because what happened to me when I had Mabrey is ridiculously rare.

Like less than 0.05%.

So, since it's so rare there isn't much information on what happened to me out there so I'm sharing my story so that if it happens to someone else hopefully they can find my story and know they aren't alone!

I blog because I'm an athlete with a family.

While this isn't rare, it's just awesome to find support from other family centered athletes. Families who train together, kids who ride their bikes with their parents, spouses who run with each other, etc etc etc.  It's great to have a support team and it's great to find ideas of how you can incorporate your family into your training!

I blog because I'm a breastfeeding endurance athlete.

This is becoming more common, or at least these athletes are becoming more vocal! When I first got  pregnant with Mabrey I was determined to stay active my whole pregnancy. And I did. I ran until 37 weeks, Biked until 38 weeks, and Swam the day before I had her. But throughout my pregnancy I started to question how much I could really train after I had her because I wasn't finding a lot of information about training while exclusively breastfeeding.  When I told people what I planned to do, especially in the first 6 months of her life I was met with some ridicule because people told me that I'd lose my supply, that she wouldn't like the taste of the milk after long workouts, that I wouldn't be able to drink enough to keep my supply up, that I'd have to stop during training/races to pump or feed her etc etc etc.  I'm only a few months into this, but so far I've had more milk than any of my other pregnancies and we are doing great!

I blog because I need a place to share my victories, my struggles, my hopes, my dreams, my expectations, my failures and my life.

I'm an over-sharer. I always have been.  I don't want to drive my friends nuts on Facebook by being that friend so I'm here, pouring my heart out.

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