Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Just Keep Swimming

Swimming is my weakest discipline. It has been since I started triathlons last summer. But after my panic attack in the first Tri of this season I feel like it's gotten even worse.

Last night a friend messaged me about going for a morning swim. I contemplated it for a bit, checked with Jorden and decided to go.  Then I woke up at 1am and I couldn't settle back down enough to go to sleep.  I'm not sure what had me restless, because I woke up to Jorden coming to bed, not a panic attack or anything, but it was awful.  Because then I was up from 1am on and I was supposed to meet her down at the lake at 645.

I knew I couldn't bail, so I went. I was sure it was going to be awful. She asked how far I wanted to swim, but I didn't want to commit to any distance. I just told her I would follow her. So I did. I was slow, but I got it done.

And best of all?!!?

I didn't panic!! Not even once!!

We ended up doing a half mile swim! It felt so good to get it done and get out of the water not feeling like I was going to die!

Part way through the swim I put my face back in the water and a fish was RIGHT there! Totally startled me and I inhaled some water, but it was all good! I think that fish was swimming away laughing to himself thinking "and she thinks she's swimming!" HA!

But there I am, post half mile swim, still alive, and best of all, STILL SMILING! Boom! 

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