Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tales From a Breastfeeding Athlete

I had planned to get up at 530 and head out to run my 6 miles by 6 am.  At 430 when Mabrey was just finishing up nursing I knew that I wouldn't be heading out at 6 because I was just too tired!

So I decided I'd head to the gym.

Then my friend stopped by which pushed back going to the gym from before lunch, to after naptime. No big deal, but like anyone else (or at least that's what I tell myself) if I push back a workout more than once I usually end up just skipping it all together!

Well after naptime we loaded up and headed out! After I showered, because I looked at my legs and knew I couldn't go to the gym with Chewbaka legs!!  I got half way to the gym and realized I had forgotten my socks!! So home we went to get my socks, grabbed my socks and headed back to the gym.  Got the girls dropped off in the nursery and took my stuff to the locker room.  Headed to the treadmill and realized I left my headphones in the car! Headed out to the car and realized I had locked the stupid car doors!!!

Forget it. I don't need music, I'll just read subtitles to pass the time.

A mile and a half into my run I was feeling really good, my pace was awesome, and I was happy.

Then I heard it...

The wail.

The wail every mother knows is HER baby making all the noise in the gym!

Just as I realized it was her one of the employees was coming up to tell me they needed me in the nursery.  I figured it'd be no big deal and I'd nurse Mabrey real quick and be back in no time. Well, no such luck, Mabrey was a GROUCH so it took f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to get her calmed back down and comfy. Since I had spent almost 45 minutes there I decided to split my run and just do 3 miles instead of 6 because I really wanted to get into the pool too!

By the time I finished my run I only had enough time to do half of the swim workout I had planned on doing too. So it was a halfsie workout, but a really good workout!

When I got home and was looking at my Garmin connect and saw my times!  I am so excited to see my times improving! Since May I have gone from a 12:25 pace, to this!!

The pink box shows how long I was running vs how long it took me to get Mabrey happy again! 

Being a breastfeeding athlete is not easy, to say the least! I am so grateful I have a gym that supports me by watching my kids and is so helpful with them! Its so exciting to see the gains I have made in the last 3.5 months!!  Can't wait to see what the next 3.5 months have in store for me! 

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